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Using telehealth in hybrid care

Developing a strategy for hybrid care

Critical elements of a successful hybrid care strategy include clinical workflow integration, alignment with quality standards, and integration of activities to measure patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Clinical workflow integration

Developing a strategy to seamlessly integrate telehealth and in-person care requires careful planning. It is crucial to establish an efficient clinical workflow when using a hybrid approach. This ensures a seamless blend of in-person and telehealth services. It also helps maintain continuity of care and optimize patient outcomes. A well-structured clinical workflow enables providers to manage face-to-face and remote interactions within the same cohesive system. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Workflow plan. A step-by-step guide can help providers restructure their clinical workflow to incorporate telehealth services. This guide may include detailed instructions on how to adjust appointment scheduling and the process for conducting consultations, determining diagnoses, providing treatments, and following-up with patients to accommodate virtual and in-person interactions.
  • Visit type. The suitability of telehealth versus in-person visits depends on various criteria, including the patient’s medical condition(s), preferences, and the information necessary to conduct the clinical visit. Protocols for switching between telehealth and in-person care should be clearly defined to help providers and their care team determine whether a remote consultation is appropriate.
  • Scheduling. Establishing procedures for efficient patient scheduling is essential in a hybrid model. Clear processes help optimize provider time while improving patient access to care. Scheduling tools and technologies can assist in managing patient queues. These facilitate smooth transitions between virtual and in-person consultations and can also help minimize patient wait times. Features to consider when using tools to manage workflow include real-time updates and automated reminders.
  • Dedicated time. Planning an effective workflow may include designating specific days for virtual consultations. Alternatively, a practice may elect to do in-person visits in the morning and virtual visits in the afternoon. This helps maintain a balanced and efficient workflow.
  • Office configuration. Spaces must be configured to support both in-person and virtual consultations. This includes verifying that the necessary technology and privacy measures are in place. A practice using a hybrid care model must assign the appropriate resources, such as technical support staff, medical equipment, and digital tools.

Quality of care and outcome measurement

Establishing a process for tracking alignment with quality standards, health outcomes, and patient satisfaction is essential. This provides timely feedback to enable continuous improvement. By setting clear benchmarks and regularly assessing patient experience, providers can identify opportunities for enhancement. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Establishing quality standards. In-person and virtual interactions must meet established clinical and patient care benchmarks. Implementing quality control measures, such as regular audits, helps monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your hybrid care model. Additionally, establishing clear performance indicators enables providers to continuously assess and improve their services and care delivery.
  • Measuring patient outcomes and satisfaction. Practices should consider tools and methodologies for tracking patient outcomes and soliciting feedback. Platforms that aggregate data from electronic health records and patient surveys may be helpful. By analyzing patient satisfaction surveys and outcome data, health care providers can identify trends and opportunities for improvement. This information provides valuable insights and ensures program adjustments are data-driven.

Tip: Customize your strategy to enhance the reach and effectiveness of your hybrid care approach. You should focus on making care more accessible while maintaining high professionalism and ethical practice standards.

More information:

Planning your telehealth workflow — Health Resources and Services Administration


Veterans’ Health Administration's (VHA) Telehealth Services incorporates a hybrid model. The VHA telehealth program offers primary care, specialty care, mental health, and home health services through both in-person and telehealth modalities.

Read more about the VHA’s Telehealth Services.