Community stories
Read how providers and patients can use virtual visits to improve access to health care.
Increasing access to behavioral health care with telehealth
Learn how licensure compacts can improve access to behavioral health care.
Transforming access to pediatric mental health care with telehealth
Learn how providers can use telehealth to improve access to mental health care.
Telehealth for mental health care in rural schools
Telehealth can help provide mental health care to students living in rural places.
Addressing broadband to improve access to telehealth
Reliable broadband is essential for telehealth, including for rural communities.
Expanding access to emergency care in rural hospitals
Rural hospitals can use telehealth to provide timely emergency care.
Providing virtual case management services for people with HIV
Telehealth helps people with HIV stay engaged and better manage their health.
Home-based, hybrid health care in rural communities
Telehealth and in-person care can be used together to work to improve health outcomes.
Substance use disorder treatment for justice-involved individuals
Learn how telehealth is being used to provide substance use disorder treatment for justice-involved individuals.
Using telehealth to expand access to HIV care
People with HIV can receive care remotely from providers who specialize in HIV care.
Using technology to enhance provider expertise in pediatric behavioral health
Technology can be used to increase provider expertise.
Mobile clinics for substance use disorder
Mobile clinics can help people with substance use disorder who live in rural areas.
Expanding dental care to children through telehealth
Telehealth helps children in rural areas get dental care.
Using digital navigators to get telehealth care
Digital navigators can teach patients how to get health care from home or work.
Delivering dental care in rural schools using telehealth
Telehealth can be used by dentists to provide care to children in a rural school.
Building telehealth partnerships
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands create telehealth programs.
How telehealth helps patients access care
Learn how telehealth provided in a mobile clinic helps health center patients access care.