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Woman sitting on chair using tablet with a doctor on the screen. Three bubbles appear in front of her with three heads. One has a jumble of lines on it, the other has puzzle pieces, and the last one has an umbrella blocking rain.

Telehealth for behavioral health care

Protecting patients’ privacy

It is important to discuss privacy risks associated with telehealth with your patients.

Patient discussion tips

Since it is common to talk about sensitive and confidential topics during behavioral health appointments, consider these patient discussion tips:

  • Make sure patients understand why and when it is important to have privacy.
  • Suggest that patients find a private location for the telehealth session.
  • Teach patients how to communicate using email, text, or (if available) your telehealth platform’s chat feature — especially if there might be issues with personal safety.

Before the appointment, ask the patient if they will have an interpreter or caregiver present. Make sure they feel comfortable talking about their mental or behavioral health in front of the other person. Determine if they need to fill out a release of information form.

Tip: Understand the specific legal requirements and privacy concerns when providing care for patients with limited English proficiency and patients with disabilities.

Ways to protect patient privacy

Take extra precautions to protect patient privacy:

  • State your name and credentials to start.
  • Confirm the patient’s identity at the beginning of each appointment. Ask your patient to verify personal demographic information.
  • Ensure that you and your patient are each in a private area where you can speak openly. You can each “scan the room” with your device’s camera at the beginning of a video visit.
  • Use headphones so others do not overhear confidential information.
  • Avoid public Wi-Fi and use password-protected devices to log on to the telehealth visit.