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Woman sitting on chair using tablet with a doctor on the screen. Three bubbles appear in front of her with three heads. One has a jumble of lines on it, the other has puzzle pieces, and the last one has an umbrella blocking rain.

Telehealth for behavioral health care

Individual teletherapy

Telehealth is an effective way to deliver individual therapy.

Benefits of using telehealth for individual therapy

More than half of people in the U.S. live in areas that do not have enough behavioral health providers to meet patient need. Telebehavioral health can help increase access to care. Other benefits include:

  • Privacy for the patient.
  • Reduced stigma.
  • Convenience, including reduced travel and disruption to daily activities like work and childcare.
  • Improved accessibility for patients who may have difficulty leaving home.

Ways to use telehealth to provide individual therapy

Telebehavioral health care can be used in many ways to provide individual therapy. This includes:

  • Virtual talk therapy: Telehealth talk therapy is used to address emotional and psychological issues. Providers typically conduct online counseling with a patient through video, phone calls, or online apps.
  • Telepsychiatry: Telepsychiatry can offer a range of services including online counseling and psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis. The provider may also prescribe and manage medications.
  • Online apps: Apps can be useful for tracking and monitoring mood.
  • Chatbots: Mental health chatbots use software programmed to mimic human conversation. They are designed to provide real-time encouragement, advice, and tips for emotionally challenging situations. Chatbots offer 24/7 support.
  • Text therapy: Text therapy offers the convenience and relative anonymity of text messaging. Text therapy offers the assurance and support of a real person at the other end of the line.

Considerations when using telehealth to provide individual therapy

You may need to make adjustments when using telehealth to provide individual therapy. Some considerations include:

  • Building trust: Telebehavioral health requires establishing a good relationship with the patient so they feel comfortable and safe sharing their feelings. It is important to discuss any concerns and fears and reassure them that their information will continue to be private and secure.
  • Confirming privacy: Reassure the patient that the session is private, no one else is in the room with you, and the door is closed. Remind the patient to make sure they are in a place where they will not be disturbed or overheard.
  • Engaging with your patient: It is important to make sure the patient knows that you are listening and engaged. Always make sure you are looking into the camera and making eye contact.

More information:

Prescribing controlled substances via telehealth — Health Resources and Services Administration

Telehealth: Transforming Access to Pediatric Mental Health (video) — Health Resources and Services Administration

Tips for Using Telehealth for Behavioral Health — Health Resources and Services Administration

What behavioral health services are available via telehealth? — Health Resources and Services Administration

Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders — Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration