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Telehealth for Substance Use Disorder

Introduction to telehealth for substance use disorder

Find information and resources on using telehealth for substance use disorder treatment.

Over 48 million people in the United States have a substance use disorder (SUD). There are over 800,000 individuals who have a SUD (PDF) and are not receiving treatment at a specialty facility but would like to. Low rates of treatment for SUD are attributable to multiple factors. These include concerns regarding privacy, stigma, limited availability of health professionals, lack of integrated care for behavioral health and other medical conditions, insurance coverage, and reimbursement. Telehealth is a tool that may address some of these barriers. The use of telehealth for SUD is increasing with a growing number of SUD treatment facilities offering telehealth services.

This best practice guide provides information and guidance to assist health care professionals to effectively use telehealth for treatment of SUD.