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Telehealth for infants and toddlers

Introduction to telehealth for infants and toddlers

Find information and resources on using telehealth to improve health care access for infants and toddlers.

Telehealth may help increase access to health care for infants and young children. This is especially important for communities with a shortage of pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists.

Telehealth can be used to deliver care to infants and toddlers across various health conditions. Examples include urgent care, specialty consultations, and medication management. In-person visits for infants and toddlers often require caregivers to travel and take time off from work. Telehealth is an attractive option to complement in-person care or to be used as an alternative when clinically appropriate.

This best practice guide provides tools and resources to help health care providers working with young children to effectively use telehealth. The information can be used to establish a new program or expand and enhance an existing telehealth program.