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Telehealth accreditation

Advantages of telehealth accreditation

Telehealth accreditation verifies that the delivery of virtual care is consistent and follows accepted standards.

Adherence to standards for telehealth

A major aim of accreditation is to create trust and confidence in telehealth. Telehealth accreditation facilitates the alignment and enhancement of telehealth programs by evaluating them against recognized, consistent standards. Examples include:

  • Quality assurance. Ensures that telehealth services meet standards for quality, safety, and patient care.
  • Improved processes. Identify areas for improvement. This leads to more streamlined and efficient telehealth operations.
  • Performance measures. Measures assess scope of services, organizational capacity, and telehealth program goals.
  • Regulatory compliance. Guides alignment with relevant telehealth laws, regulations, and industry best practices.
  • Risk mitigation. Prevent risks associated with telehealth, such as those related to privacy and security.

Incorporating these standards into a telehealth program and becoming accredited demonstrates a commitment to excellence.

Promotion of trust and confidence in telehealth

Accreditation helps promote credibility and trust for telehealth services in the eyes of patients, providers, and payers. Accreditation demonstrates that a telehealth program has achieved a set of standards in the delivery of virtual care and is committed to continuous improvement.

Here are several ways that accreditation encourages trust and confidence in using telehealth:

  • Recognition. Telehealth accreditation is a recognized marker of quality. This credential can help assure patients that the care they receive meets or exceeds industry standards.
  • Compliance. Telehealth accreditation confirms alignment with recognized standards of care.

The accreditation process is essential for fostering trust, driving continuous improvement, and ensuring the responsible growth of the telehealth industry.

More information

Billing for telehealth — Health Resources and Services Administration

Legal considerations — Health Resources and Services Administration

Telehealth policy — Health Resources and Services Administration